Hello World, I’m Christiano Scaturro
A Digital Nomad from Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdom. I’ve been lucky enough to work, live, and travel in over 40 countries across Europe and Asia
A Digital Nomad from Burnley...
My main travel interests include meeting the local people, attending local festivals and celebrations, trying local cuisines, scuba diving, hiking and attending live music events.
So far my favourite countries include Japan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Iceland and Italy. I’m always looking for unique travelling experiences so if you know a place / activity that I should try please let me know by messaging me on my Instagram (add link to Instagram) or email me at [email protected]
Read about my travels!
From the steaming geothermal lagoons of Iceland to the towering, snow-capped mountains of Pakistan, from the untouched, serene beaches of Timor-Leste to the enigmatic, marble-clad cities of the Totalitarian Turkmenistan…read my stories from each country I’ve had the pleasure of visiting.